Here are a few scans of some of my own cuttlefish I have drawn.
These are just scans, so they aren't super great quality,
but here ya go anyhow!
Each is done with colored pencil
(My favorite medium)
Let me just say, my husband is amazing.
He is my visionary. I'll tell him that I'm stuck on something and he instantly knows the solution!
He gives me the most awesome idea ever to draw this little lady below climbing out of a book!
He can't draw or anything like that, but his brain totally works like an artist's!
He tells me the idea and I bring it to life!
(or at least to paper)
So, Elliott, I'm calling you out, You Are Awesome.
I drew these 2 for my generic tags for the things I didn't make specialty tags for
like my quilts and random little plushies
So on the girlier items I put little miss here
and for the boy items I used little dude down below.
I used to go by "CuddleFishFarm" and so them cuddling these hearts is a play off of that.

I love this guy. The colors are awesome
Here's anopther boy and girl set, that's a little more cartoony than I usually go for,
but they were fun and silly.
I drew these 2 just for funnsies
Here's the last one for now.
This one was the most challenging.
Thanks For stopping by!
They are the prettiest color pencil I have seen... I adore them. I would have never thought a species like these would be this addicting to look at, I just want to frame them , love the book one!!
Thank You!! You are so sweet! I love these animals so much, I'm so glad they made an impression on you too!! <3
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